[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The SNS_source_analytic Component

A source that produces a time and energy distribution from parameterized SNS moderator files



Produces a time-of-flight spectrum from SNS moderator files
moderator files can be obtained from the author
IMPORTANT: The output units of this component are N/pulse
IMPORTANT: The component needs a FULL PATH to the source input file
(1) the raw moderator files are per Sr.  The parameters focus_xw focus_yh and dist
provide the solid angle with which the beam line is served.
The best practice is to set focus_xw and focus_yh to the width and height of the
closest beam component, and dist as the distance from the moderator
location to this component.
(2) Be sure that Emin and Emax are within the limits of 1e-5 to 100 eV
(3) the proton pulse length T determines short- and long-pulse mode

Beamport definitions:
BL11: a1Gw2-11-f5_fit_fit.dat
BL14: a1Gw2-14-f5_fit_fit.dat
BL17: a1Gw2-17-f5_fit_fit.dat
BL02: a1Gw2-2-f5_fit_fit.dat
BL05: a1Gw2-5-f5_fit_fit.dat
BL08: a1Gw2-8-f5_fit_fit.dat

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
filenameFilename of source data
xwidthmwidth of moderator (default 0.1 m)0.10
yheightmheight of moderator (default 0.12 m)0.12
distmDistance from source to the focusing rectangle (no default)
focus_xwmWidth of focusing rectangle (no default)
focus_yhmHeight of focusing rectangle (no default)
EminmeVminimum energy of neutrons (default 0.01 meV)0.01
EmaxmeVmaximum energy of neutrons (default 1e5 meV)1.0e5
tinminusminimum time of neutrons (default 0 us)0.0
tinmaxusmaximum time of neutrons (default 2000 us)2000.0
sample_Esample energy from: (default 0)0
sample_tsample t from: (default 0)0
proton_Tusproton pulse length (0 us)0.0
p_powerMWproton power (default 2 MW)2.0
n_pulsesnumber of pulses (default 1)1.0


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43