[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
InstrumentThe H53 (120 x 60 mm2) curved cold guide feeds D16 (after IN14, and IN16). D16 is a two-circle diffractometer. The primary white beam is reflected by a focussing pyrolytic graphite monochromator (122 x 60 mm2 with mosaicity 0.7 deg) providing an important flux at the sample. The monochromator housing has two beam holes at take-off angles of 90 deg and 115 deg, corresponding to 4.7 Angs and 5.6 Angs beams and incorporates the slit systems. Example: m=1.2 Detector: Det_psd_I=6.4729E+03
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
lambda | Angs | Wavelength at monochromator, computed from DM and THETA_M if left as 0. | 4.7 |
DM | Angs | d-spacing of monochromator, computed from lambda and THETA_M if left as 0. | 3.355 |
dlambda | AA | wavelength half width. | 0.05 |
Powder | str | File name for powder description. | "Na2Ca3Al2F14.laz" |
RV | m | Monochromator vertical curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting | -1 |
L1 | m | Guide-Monochromator distance | 0.1 |
L2 | m | Monochromator-Sample distance | 2.8 |
L3 | m | Sample-Detector distance | 1.0 |
THETA_M | deg | Monochromator take-off angle, computed from lambda and DM if left as 0. | 44.46 |
TwoTheta | deg | Detector rotation (in plane) | 0 |
RadiusDet | m | Detector entrance window radius | 0.36 |
DetEthick | m | Detector entrance window thickness | .01 |
DetEgap | m | Detector entrance window gap to flat detector inner window | 0.08 |
DetVthick | m | Detector active volume thickness | 5e-3 |
verbose | 1 | Print DIF configuration. 0 to be quiet | 1 |
TILT | deg | Monochromator additional tilt, for rocking curves | 0 |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43