[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
InstrumentThis instrument allows to compare incoherent scattering from different McStas sample components: V_sample PowderN Single_crystal Isotropic_sqw Incoherent Examples: Compare incoherent scattering from all sample comps, beamstop in place: (V_multiples=0: V_sample algo identical to PowderN algo - NO multiples V_multiples: V_sample performs crude estimate for multiple scattering) mcrun Samples_Incoherent -d Some_directory -N5 SAMPLE=1,5 STOP=1 V_multiples=0 Compare incoherent scattering and direct beam attenuation for PowderN, Single_crystal and Isotroic_sqw: mcrun Samples_Incoherent -d Some_other_directory -N4 SAMPLE=2,5 STOP=0 Have a closer look of direct beam attentuation for PowderN, Single_crystal and Isotroic_sqw (has the side-effect that back-scattered neutrons are absorbed): mcrun Samples_Incoherent -d Some_third_directory -N4 SAMPLE=2,5 STOP=0 DB=1 The sample type selection is: box: 1=Vanadium 2=PowderN 3=Single_Crystal 4=Isotropic_Sqw 5=Incoherent 10=Isotropic_Sqw with V.laz cube.off: 6=PowderN, 7=Single_Crystal 8=Isotropic_Sqw 9=Incoherent
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
L_min | AA | Minimum wavelength of neutrons | 0.5 |
L_max | AA | Maximum wavelength of neutrons | 7 |
SAMPLE | |||
STOP | 1 | Beamstop inserted? (Needed in case of comparison between V and SX/sqw). | 0 |
V_multiples | 1 | Use crude estimate for multiple scattering in V_sample? | 1 |
Order | 1 | Maximum order of multiple scattering in SX/sqw | 0 |
INC | barns | Incoherent scattering cross section | 5.08 |
ABS | barns | Absorption cross section | 5.08 |
DB | 1 | Direct Beam monitor inserted? (Side-effect: absorbs 'backscattered' neutrons). | 0 |
ISISFACE | string | ISIS moderator face to look at | "hydrogen" |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43