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The Test_Scatter_log_losses Instrument

Example instrument of Scatter_logger feature usage for detection of lost instensity



This instrument is an example of how to use the Scatter_logger family of components in McStas.
In this example the neutrons deposited in the
guide wall of a LENGTH m long straight guide are monitored by two instances of Monitor_nD
The first (mnd1) stretches the full length of the guide and simply monitors the intensity lost in
the guide walls, the latter (mnd2) shows the lost intensity binned by neutron wavelength in the last
1m of guide.

Also include (but commented out) is a code-snippet that would dump the lost neutrons to stdout

Example: Test_Scatter_log_losses LENGTH=10

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
LENGTHmThe length of the guide to be modelled10


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Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43