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The Sqq_w_monitor Component

Monitor outputting a series of energy-planes in a subset of reciprocal space, spanned by scattering vectors qa(x,z) and qb(x,z) in the component x-z plane.



Cylindrical monitor on the x-z plane outputting a series of energy-planes in a subset of reciprocal
space, spanned by scattering vectors qa(x,z) and qb(x,z).

The radius and yheight parameters are not used for propagation, but only to define the outgoing divergence
limit considered when estimating k_f

The assumption is that the "current" neutron represents the final state, whereas the incoming state
is found by restoring the neutron state "index" components earlier.

Example: Sqq_w_monitor(filename="output",radius=1, yheight=0.05, Emin=0,Emax=5,nE=11,nqa=100,nqb=100,qamin=1,qamax=10,qbmin=1qbmax=10,index=-2)
AT (0,0,0) RELATIVE sample

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
radiusmCylinder radius1
yheightmCylinder height0.05
qax1x-component of 1st q-vector1
qaz1z-component of 1st q-vector0
qbx1x-component of 2nd q-vector0
qbz1z-component of 2nd q-vector1
qaminAA^-1Defines interval (qamin,qamax) where monitor measures in nqa bins0
qamaxAA^-1Defines interval (qamin,qamax) where monitor measures in nqa bins2
qbminAA^-1Defines interval (qbmin,qbmax) where monitor measures in nqb bins0
qbmaxAA^-1Defines interval (qbmin,qbmax) where monitor measures in nqb bins2
EminmeVDefines the energy-transfer [Emin,Emax] window to monitor in nE bins0
EmaxmeVDefines the energy-transfer [Emax,Emax] window to monitor in nE bins5
nqaintNumber of bins along qa direction90
nqbintNumber of bins along qb direction90
nEintNumber of energy slices10
filenamestringBase filename to use, nE+1 files will be output
nowritefile1If set, monitor will skip writing to disk0
nosum1If set, monitor will skip writing the energy-summed array to disk0


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43