[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
ComponentModels a disc chopper with nslit identical slits, which are symmetrically distributed on the disc. At time t=0, the centre of the first slit opening will be situated at the vertical axis when phase=0, assuming the chopper centre of rotation is placed BELOW the beam axis. If you want to place the chopper ABOVE the beam axis, please use a 180 degree rotation around Z (otherwise unexpected beam splitting can occur in combination with the isfirst=1 setting, see related bug on GitHub) For more complicated gemometries, see component manual example of DiskChopper GROUPing. If the chopper is the 1st chopper of the instrument, it sets t time with phase - Only relevant for when using continuous source modules. Example: DiskChopper(radius=0.2, theta_0=10, nu=41.7, nslit=3, delay=0, isfirst=1) First chopper DiskChopper(radius=0.2, theta_0=10, nu=41.7, nslit=3, delay=0, isfirst=0)
Name | Unit | Description | Default | |
theta_0 | deg | Angular width of the slits. | 0 | |
radius | m | Radius of the disc | 0.5 | |
yheight | m | Slit height (if = 0, equal to radius). Auto centering of beam at half height. | ||
nu | Hz | Frequency of the Chopper, omega=2*PI*nu (algebraic sign defines the direction of rotation) | ||
nslit | 1 | Number of slits, regularly arranged around the disk | 3 | |
jitter | s | Jitter in the time phase | 0 | |
delay | s | Time 'delay' | 0 | |
isfirst | 0/1 | Set it to 1 for the first chopper position in a cw source (it then spreads the neutron time distribution) | 0 | |
n_pulse | 1 | Number of pulses (Only if isfirst) | 1 | |
abs_out | 0/1 | Absorb neutrons hitting outside of chopper radius? | 1 | |
phase | deg | Angular 'delay' (overrides delay) | 0 | |
xwidth | m | Horizontal slit width opening at beam center | 0 | |
verbose | 1 | Set to 1 to display Disk chopper configuration | 0 |
AT ( | , | , | ) RELATIVE | |||
ROTATED ( | , | , | ) RELATIVE |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43