[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The Pol_guide_vmirror Component

Polarising guide with nvs x 2 supermirrors sitting in v-shapes inside, upgraded from original single V-cavity.



Models a rectangular guide with entrance centered on the Z axis and
with nvs x two supermirrors sitting in v-shapes inside.
The entrance lies in the X-Y plane.  Draws a true depiction
of the guide with mirrors, and trajectories.
The polarisation is handled similar to in Monochromator_pol.
The reflec functions are handled similar to Pol_mirror.
The up direction is hardcoded to be along the y-axis (0, 1, 0)

The parameters can either be
double pointer initializations (e.g. {R0, Qc, alpha, m, W})
or table names (e.g."supermirror_m2.rfl" AND useTables=1).
NB! This might cause warnings by the compiler that can be ignored.


No absorption by mirror.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
rFunc1Guide Reflection functionStdReflecFunc
rUpFunc1Mirror Reflection function for spin upStdReflecFunc
rDownFunc1Mirror Reflection function for spin downStdReflecFunc
rPar1Guide Parameters for rFunc{1.0, 0.0219, 4.07, 3.2, 0.003}
rUpPar1Mirror Parameters for rUpFunc{1.0, 0.0219, 4.07, 3.2, 0.003}
rDownPar1Mirror Parameters for rDownFunc{0.1, 0.0219, 4.07, 3.2, 0.003}
nvs1Number of V-cavities across width of guide1
xwidthmWidth at the guide entry0.1
yheightmHeight at the guide entry0.1
lengthmlength of guide0.5
debug1if debug > 0 print out some internal runtime parameters0


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43