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ComponentThis is a template for a new contributor to create their own physical process. The comments in this file are meant to teach the user about creating their own process file, rather than explaining this one. For comments on how this code works, look in the Incoherent_process.comp. Part of the Union components, a set of components that work together and thus sperates geometry and physics within McStas. The use of this component requires other components to be used. 1) One specifies a number of processes using process components like this one 2) These are gathered into material definitions using Union_make_material 3) Geometries are placed using Union_box / Union_cylinder, assigned a material 4) A Union_master component placed after all of the above Only in step 4 will any simulation happen, and per default all geometries defined before the master, but after the previous will be simulated here. There is a dedicated manual available for the Union_components Algorithm: Described elsewhere
Name | Unit | Description | Default | |
packing_factor | 1 | Material packing factor | 1 | |
unit_cell_volume | AA^3 | Unit cell volume | 13.8 | |
interact_fraction | 1 | Fraction of neutrons to force-interact | -1 | |
a | AA | fcc lattice constant | 4.95 | |
c | meV*AA | Velocity of sound | 10 | |
M | unit | Nucleus atomic mass in units | 207.2 | |
b | fm | scattring length | 9.4 | |
T | Kelvin | Temperature | 290 | |
DW | 1 | Global Debye-Waller factor | 1 | |
longitudinal | 1 | Select to generate a longitudinal phonon mode | 1 | |
transverse | 1 | Select to generate a transverse phonon mode | 1 |
AT ( | , | , | ) RELATIVE | |||
ROTATED ( | , | , | ) RELATIVE |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43