[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The Multilayer_Sample Component

Multilayer Reflecting sample using matrix Formula.



in order to get this to compile you need to link against
the gsl and gslcblas libraries.

to do this automatically edit

add -lgsl and -lgslcblas to the CFLAGS line

Horizontal reflecting substrate defined by SLDs,Thicknesses, roughnesses
The superphase may also be determined

Example: Multilayer_Sample(xmin=-0.1, xmax=0.1,zmin=-0.1, zmax=0.1, nlayer=1,sldPar={0.0,2.0e-6,0.0e-6},dPar={20.0}, sigmaPar={5.0,5.0})

Example: d1 500: sld1 (air) 0.0: sld2 (Si) 2.07e-6: sldf1(film Ni) 9.1e-6

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
xwidthmWidth of substrate0.2
zlengthmLength of substrate0.2
nlayer1Number of film layers1
sldParAA^-2Scattering length Density's of layers{0.0,2.0e-6,0.0e-6}
dParAAThicknesses of film layers{20.0}
sigmaParAAr.m.s roughnesses of the interfaces{5.0,5.0}
frac_inc1Fraction of statistics to assign to incoherent scattering0
ythickmThickness of substrate0
mu_incm^-1Incoherent scattering length5.62
target_index1Used in combination with focus_xw and focus_yh to indicate solid angle for incoherent scattering.0
focus_xwmUsed in combination with target_index and focus_yh to indicate solid angle for incoherent scattering.0


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36