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The ESS_butterfly_tfocus_test Instrument

Test instrument for the updated BF1 butterfly moderator design



Test instrument for the updated BF1 butterfly moderator design.

The below example gives a 50-50 (statistics-wise) cold/thermal beam at beamline N10.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
sectorstrDefines the 'sector' of your instrument position. Valid values are "N","S","E" and "W""N"
beamline1Defines the 'beamline number' of your instrument position. Valid values are 1..10 or 1..11 depending on sector1
LminAAMinimum wavelength simulated0.2
LmaxAAMaximum wavelength simulated20
c_performance1Cold brilliance scalar performance multiplicator c_performance > 01
t_performance1Thermal brilliance scalar performance multiplicator t_performance > 01
index1Target index for source focusing. Defaults to illuminate the "cold collimated" brilliance monitor, thereby suppressing "dist"0
distmDistance from origin to focusing rectangle; at (0,0,dist) - alternatively use target_index100
cold1Defines the statistical fraction of events emitted from the cold part of the moderator0.5
YheightmDefines the moderator height. Valid values are 0.03 m and 0.06 m0.03
deltamParameter that allows to scan "collimator" position0


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Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36