[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The ILL_H142_IN12 Instrument

The H142 S-curved cold guide at the ILL feeding IN12 TAS spectrometer



The H142 beam is the only S-curved guide at the ILL. It is used here to feed
the IN12 TAS spectrometer (classical configuration).

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
m1m-value of guide coating (H14/H142)1
KIAngs-1central wavevector for incoming neutrons2.662
QMAngs-1wavevector transfer modulus at the sample1.0
ENmeVenergy transfer at the sample0.0
verboseverbose-mode toggle1
WMmWidth of monochromator0.08
HMmHeight of monochromator0.12
NHM1Number of vertical slabs composing the monochromator1
NVM1Number of horizontal slabs composing the monochromator6
RMVmMonochromator vertical curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting-1
WAmWidth of analyzer0.121
HAmHeight of analyzer0.118
NHA1Number of horizontal slabs composing the analyzer11
NVA1Number of vertical slabs composing the analyzer1
RAHmAnalyzer horizontal curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting-1
L2mMonochromator-Sample distance. Contains 2nd Collimator1.726
L3mSample-Analyzer distance. Contains 3rd Collimator1.300
L4mAnalyzer-detector distance. Contains 4th Collimator0.710


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36