[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
InstrumentThe H16@ILL curved guide sending cold neutrons from the VCS to IN5, adapted for use with Mantid-friendly NeXus output. (See ILL_H16_IN5_Mantid or ILL_IN5_Mantid for details.) Example: m=1 Detector: GuideOut_Phic_I=1.85e+10
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
lambda | AA | mean incident wavelength. | 10 |
dlambda | AA | wavelength half width. Use e.g. 0.8*lambda for white beam. | 9.9 |
m | 1 | m-value of whole guide coating. 0 absorbing, 1 for Ni, 1.2 for Ni58, 2-4 for SM | 1 |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36