[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
InstrumentThe IN5@ILL TOF spectrometer from chopper system to final detector, with sample. The detector model includes Fe housing and tube cross talk absorbing masks with angle restriction (neutrons that scatter in Fe in front of a tube and enter a different tube are absorbed). This model does not include the H16 guide. Example: lambda=4.5 Detector: Det_PSD_I=1.3e6
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
lambda | AA | mean incident wavelength | 4.5 |
dlambda | AA | wavelength half width. | 0.05 |
speed | rpm | chopper speed (60*frequency) | 8500 |
ratio | 1 | velocity of chopper3 = velocity of chopper1 * ratio | 0.5 |
housing | string | material used as detector housing. Use 0 or NULL for none. | "Fe.laz" |
coh | string | sample coherent data file or NULL. Use powder LAZ/LAU or SQW file. | "Y3Fe5O12_YIG.laz" |
inc | string | sample incoherent Sqw data file or NULL | "NULL" |
thickness | m | thickness of sample. 0=filled | 0 |
height | m | height of sample. 0=sphere | 0.025 |
radius | m | radius of sample (outer). | 0.005 |
order | 1 | order for scattering in sample. O=all, 1=single | 0 |
wspot | meV | energy of dirac resolution spots | 1 |
ttspot | deg | direction of dirac resolution spots | 45 |
nspots | 1 | number of direc resolution spots | 0 |
RESO | 1 | flag to indicate constant Q-e dirac grid ala IN4 model | 1 |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36