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InstrumentCross comparison of Fermi Chopper components, using McStas and contributed components, as well as rotating collimator approximations. It shows that all implementations are equivalent. However, approximating rotating guide are 30% faster than McStas Fermi chopper.
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
Fermi | 1 | Choice of Fermi chopper component to test, with 1=FermiChopper, 3=FermiChopper_ILL, 4=rotating Guide_gravity, 5=rotating Guide_channeled | 1 |
lambda | AA | Mean wavelength from source | 3.39 |
width_FC | m | total slit pack width | 0.044 |
height_FC | m | height of FC slit pack | 0.064 |
length_FC | m | length of FC slit pack | 0.012 |
FC_Hz | Hz | rotation speed. Omega=2*PI*nu in rad/s, nu*60 in rpm | 100 |
Nslit_FC | Number of slits in FC slit package | 120 | |
d_SF | m | distance from Source to FC center | 3 |
d_FD | m | distance from FC center to Detector | 3 |
phase | deg | FC phase. Use -0 for automatic | 271.92 |
time_to_arrival | 0 | ||
time_window_width | 0 |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36