[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
InstrumentA very simple unit test/example instrument for the experimental Single_magnetic_crystal component. It is a very simple implementation of a Laue camera using 4PI spherical monitors.
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
L0 | AA | Centre wavelength to simulate | 4 |
dL | AA | Half wavelength spread to sample | 3.91 |
OM | deg | Sample rotation | 0 |
TT | deg | Rotation of detector arm | 0 |
PX | x-component of initial polarization | 0 | |
PY | y-component of initial polarization | 1 | |
PZ | z-component of initial polarization | 0 | |
MOS | arcmin | Isotropic mosaic of the crystal. | 100 |
QMIN | AA^-1 | lower boundary of momentum transfer range to generate hkls in | 0.1 |
QMAX | AA^-1 | upper boundary of momentum transfer range to generate hkls in | 5 |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36