[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The Tomography Instrument

Instrument to study tomographic imaging by means of the feature of OFF shape samples.



Instrument to study tomographic imaging by means of the feature of OFF shape samples.

Example: mcrun Tomography.instr offfile=bunny.off -n1e4 -N18 omega=0,340 -d TomoScan
(Note that to achieve proper statistics for tomographic reconstruction, MUCH higher ncounts
are needed)

Use the provided Matlab tomo_recon.m function (requires imaging toolbox, PGPLOT output data
and a Unix/Mac) in the tools/matlab folder to reconstruct a 3D volume of the object. Use e.g.
isosurface to do thresholding for extraction of the object surface.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
geometrystringName of the OFF file describing the sample shape"socket.off"
omegadegSample rotation around y0
sigma_absbarnSample absorption xs100
frac_scatt1Fraction of neutrons to scatter in the sample0
div_vdegSource vertical divergence (angular height)1e-4
div_hdegSource horisontal divergence (angular width)1e-4
source_wmSource width0.4
source_hmSource height0.2
det_wmDetector width0.4
det_hmDetector height0.2
optsstringMonitor_nD options string"x bins=80 y bins=40"


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36