[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
InstrumentThis instrument is a simple model of triple-axis spectrometer. It is directly illuminated by the moderator, and has curved monochromator and analyzer. Sample can be specified as a powder, liquid/amorphous or a pure incoherent scatterer (e.g. vanadium, which is the default). Sample geometry can be spherical or cylindrical. For PG002 monochromator/analyzer setting, a reflectivity curve vs. wavelength is used, else reflectivity is set to 70 %. To suppress collimators, set their divergence to 0 (ALFn BETn). Default instrument geometry is from IN20@ILL with PG monochromator/analyzer. Monochromator lattice parameter PG 002 DM=3.355 AA (Highly Oriented Pyrolythic Graphite) PG 004 DM=1.607 AA Heusler 111 DM=3.362 AA (Cu2MnAl) CoFe DM=1.771 AA (Co0.92Fe0.08) Ge 111 DM=3.266 AA Ge 311 DM=1.714 AA Ge 511 DM=1.089 AA Ge 533 DM=0.863 AA Si 111 DM=3.135 AA Cu 111 DM=2.087 AA Cu 002 DM=1.807 AA Cu 220 DM=1.278 AA Cu 111 DM=2.095 AA IN22 configuration (at H25 thermal m=2 guide end): KI=3.84, QM=1.0, EN=0.0, verbose=1, WM=0.15, HM=0.12, NHM=1, NVM=9, RMV=-1, WA=0.20, HA=0.10, NHA=11, NVA=3, RAV=-1, RAH=-1, SM=-1, SS=1, SA=-1, L1=10.0, L2=1.7, L3=1.0, L4=0.8 IN8 Configuration: with Copper optics KF=5, KI=0, QM=0.5, EN=5, verbose=1 WM=0.23, HM=0.19, RMH=-1, RMV=-1, DM=1.807, NHM=15, NVM=15, WA=0.16, HA=0.08, RAH=-1, RAV=-1, DA=2.087, NHA=15, NVA=15, L1=2.33
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
KI | Angs-1 | Incoming neutron wavevector | 2.662 |
KF | Angs-1 | Outgoing neutron wavevector | 0 |
EI | meV | Incoming neutron energy | 0 |
EF | meV | Outgoing neutron energy | 0 |
QH | rlu | Measurement QH position in crystal | 0 |
QK | rlu | Measurement QK position in crystal | 0 |
QL | rlu | Measurement QL position in crystal | 0 |
EN | meV | Energy transfer in crystal | 0 |
QM | Angs-1 | Wavevector transfer in crystal | 0 |
KFIX | Angs-1 | Fixed KI or KF value for Rescal compatibility | 0 |
FX | 1:KI,2:KF | Fixed KI or KF type for Rescal compatibility | 0 |
L1 | m | Source-Monochromator distance. Contains 1st Collimator of length 5.34 | 9 |
L2 | m | Monochromator-Sample distance. Contains 2nd Collimator of length 0.35 | 2.1 |
L3 | m | Sample-Analyzer distance. Contains 3rd Collimator of length 0.40 | 1.5 |
L4 | m | Analyzer-detector distance. Contains 4th Collimator of length 0.24 | 0.7 |
SM | 1:left, -1:right | Scattering sense of beam from Monochromator | 1 |
SS | 1:left, -1:right | Scattering sense of beam from Sample | -1 |
SA | 1:left, -1:right | Scattering sense of beam from Analyzer | 1 |
DM | Angs | Monochromator d-spacing | 3.3539 |
DA | Angs | Analyzer d-spacing | 3.3539 |
RMV | m | Monochromator vertical curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting | -1 |
RMH | m | Monochromator horizontal curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting | 0 |
RAV | m | Analyzer vertical curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting | 0 |
RAH | m | Analyzer horizontal curvature, 0 for flat, -1 for automatic setting | -1 |
ETAM | arc min | Monochromator mosaic | 30 |
ETAA | arc min | Analyzer mosaic | 30 |
ALF1 | arc min | Horizontal collimation from Source to Monochromator | 60 |
ALF2 | arc min | Horizontal collimation from Monochromator to Sample A | 60 |
ALF3 | arc min | Horizontal collimation from Sample to Analyzer | 60 |
ALF4 | arc min | Horizontal collimation from Analyzer to Detector | 60 |
BET1 | arc min | Vertical collimation from Source to Monochromator | 120 |
BET2 | arc min | Vertical collimation from Monochromator to Sample A | 120 |
BET3 | arc min | Vertical collimation from Sample to Analyzer | 120 |
BET4 | arc min | Vertical collimation from Analyzer to Detector | 120 |
AS | Angs | Sample lattice parameter A | 6.28 |
BS | Angs | Sample lattice parameter B | 6.28 |
CS | Angs | Sample lattice parameter C | 6.28 |
AA | deg | Angle between lattice vectors B,C | 90 |
BB | deg | Angle between lattice vectors C,A | 90 |
CC | deg | Angle between lattice vectors A,B | 90 |
AX | rlu | First reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, X | 1 |
AY | rlu | First reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, Y | 0 |
AZ | rlu | First reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, Z | 0 |
BX | rlu | Second reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, X | 0 |
BY | rlu | Second reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, Y | 1 |
BZ | rlu | Second reciprocal lattice vector in scattering plane, Z | 0 |
verbose | 1 | print TAS configuration. 0 to be quiet | 1 |
A1 | deg | Monohromator rotation angle | 0 |
A2 | deg | Monohromator take-off angle | 0 |
A3 | deg | Sample rotation angle | 0 |
A4 | deg | Sample take-off angle | 0 |
A5 | deg | Analyzer rotation angle | 0 |
A6 | deg | Analyzer take-off angle | 0 |
NHM | 1 | Number of horizontal slabs composing the monochromator | 1 |
NVM | 1 | Number of vertical slabs composing the monochromator | 9 |
WM | m | Width of monochromator | 0.10 |
HM | m | Height of monochromator | 0.12 |
NHA | 1 | Number of horizontal slabs composing the analyzer | 9 |
NVA | 1 | Number of vertical slabs composing the analyzer | 1 |
WA | m | Width of analyzer | 0.10 |
HA | m | Height of analyzer | 0.12 |
Sqw_coh | str | sample coherent S(q,w) file name. Use LAZ/LAU or SQW file | "NULL" |
Sqw_inc | str | sample incoherent S(q,w) file name. Use NULL to scatter incoherently | "NULL" |
radius | m | outer radius of sample hollow cylinder/sphere | 0.01 |
thickness | m | thickness of sample hollow cylinder. 0 for bulk | 0.005 |
height | m | sample height. Use 0 for a spherical shape | 0.05 |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36