[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The Pol_bender Component

Polarising bender.



Based on Guide_curved written by Ross Stewart.
Models a rectangular curved guide tube with entrance centered on the Z axis.
The entrance lies in the X-Y plane.  Draws a true depiction
of the guide with multiple slits (but without spacers), and trajectories.
It relies on similar physics as the Monochromator_pol.
The reflec function and parameters are passed to this component to
give a bigger freedom.
The up direction is hardcoded to be along the y-axis (0, 1, 0)

The guide is asummed to have half a spacer on each side:
slit1  slit2  slit3
|+     ++     ++     +|
|+     ++     ++     +|
<---------------------> xwidth
<------> xwidth/nslit (nslit=3)
<> d

The reflection functions and parameters defaults as follows:
Bot defaults to Top, Left defaults to Top, Right defaults to left.
Down defaults to down and up defaults to up for all functions and
Top(Up and Down) defaults to StdReflecFunc and {0.99,0.0219,6.07,2.0,0.003}
which stands for {R0, Qc, alpha, m, W}.

Pol_bender(xwidth = 0.08, yheight = 0.08, length = 1.0, radius= 10.0,
nslit=5, d=0.0, endFlat=0, drawOption=2,
rTopUpPar={0.99, 0.0219, 6.07, 3.0, 0.003},
rTopDownPar={0.99, 0.0219, 6.07, 1.0, 0.003})

See also the example instruments Test_Pol_Bender and
Test_Pol_Bender_Vs_Guide_Curved (under tests).

This component has been against tested Guide_curved and found to
give the same intensities. Gravity option has not been tested.

GRAVITY: YES (when gravity is along y-axis)

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
xwidthmWidth at the guide entry
yheightmHeight at the guide entry
lengthmlength of guide along center
radiusmRadius of curvature of the guide (+:curve left/-:right)
Gm/s^2Gravitational constant9.8
nslit1Number of slits1
dmWidth of spacers (subdividing absorbing walls)0.0
debug1if debug > 0 print out some internal parameters0
endFlat1If endflat>0 then entrance and exit planes are parallel.0
rTopUpPar1Top mirror Parameters for spin up standard reflectivity function{0.99,0.0219,6.07,2.0,0.003}
rTopDownPar1Top mirror Parameters for spin down standard reflectivity function{0.99,0.0219,6.07,2.0,0.003}
rBotUpPar1Bottom mirror Parameters for spin up standard reflectivity function{0.99,0.0219,6.07,2.0,0.003}
rBotDownPar1Bottom mirror Parameters for spin down standard reflectivity function{0.99,0.0219,6.07,2.0,0.003}
rLeftUpPar1Left mirror Parameters for spin up standard reflectivity function{0.99,0.0219,6.07,2.0,0.003}
rLeftDownPar1Left mirror Parameters for spin down standard reflectivity function{0.99,0.0219,6.07,2.0,0.003}
rRightUpPar1Right mirror Parameters for spin up standard reflectivity function{0.99,0.0219,6.07,2.0,0.003}
rRightDownPar1Right mirror Parameters for spin down standard reflectivity function{0.99,0.0219,6.07,2.0,0.003}
rTopUpData1Reflectivity file for top mirror, spin up""
rTopDownData1Reflectivity file for top mirror, spin down""
rBotUpData1Reflectivity file for bottom mirror, spin up""
rBotDownData1Reflectivity file for bottom mirror, spin down""
rLeftUpData1Reflectivity file for left mirror, spin up""
rLeftDownData1Reflectivity file for left mirror, spin down""
rRightUpData1Reflectivity file for right mirror, spin up""
rRightDownData1Reflectivity file for right mirror, spin down""


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36