[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The Pol_guide_mirror Component

Polarising guide with a supermirror along its diagonal.



Based on Pol_guide_vmirror by P. Christiansen.
Models a rectangular guide with entrance centered on the Z axis and
with one supermirror sitting on the diagonal inside.
The entrance lies in the X-Y plane.  Draws a true depiction
of the guide with mirror and trajectories.
The polarisation is handled similar to in Monochromator_pol.
The reflec functions are handled similar to Pol_mirror.
The up direction is hardcoded to be along the y-axis (0, 1, 0)

Note that this component can also be used as a frame overlap-mirror
if the up and down reflectivities are set equal. In this case the wall
reflectivity (rPar) should probably be set to 0.

Reflectivity values can either come from datafiles or from
sets of parameters to the standard analytic reflectivity function commonly
used for neutron guides:
R=R0; q

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
rUpPar1Mirror Parameters for spin up standard reflectivity function{1.0, 0.0219, 4.07, 3.2, 0.003}
rDownPar1Mirror Parameters for spin down standard reflectivity function{1.0, 0.0219, 4.07, 3.2, 0.003}
rPar1Guide Parameters for standard reflectivity function{1.0, 0.0219, 4.07, 3.2, 0.003}
rDatastrGuide Reflectivity data file""
rUpDatastrMirror Reflectivity data file for spin up""
rDownDatastrMirror Reflectivity data file for spin down""
xwidthmWidth at the guide entry
yheightmHeight at the guide entry
lengthmlength of guide


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36