[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
ComponentESS butterfly moderator with automatic choice of coordinate system, with origin placed at relevant "Moderator Focus Coordinate System" depending on sector location. To select beamport N 5 simply use COMPONENT Source = ESS_butterfly(sector="N",beamline=5,Lmin=0.1,Lmax=20,dist=2, cold_frac=0.5, yheight=0.03,focus_xw=0.1, focus_yh=0.1) Geometry The geometry corresponds correctly to the latest release of the butterfly moderator, including changes warranted by the ESS CCB in July 2016, the so called BF1 type moderator. A set of official release documents are available with this component, see the benchmarking website mentioned below. Brilliances, geometry adapted from earlier BF2 design The geometry and brightness data implemented in the McStas ESS source component ESS_butterfly.comp, are released as an updated component library for McStas 2.3, as well as a stand alone archive for use with earlier versions of McStas. The following features are worth highlighting:
We expect to release an MCNP-event-based source model later in 2016, and possibly also new set of brilliance functions for ESS_butterfly.comp. These are expected to include more realistic brilliances in terms of variation across sectors and potentially also performance losses due to engineering reality. Engineering reality An ad-hoc method for future implementation of "engineering reality" is included, use the "c_performance/t_performance" parameters to down-scale performance uniformly across all wavelengths. References:
at GitHub.
Name | Unit | Description | Default | |
sector | str | Defines the 'sector' of your instrument position. Valid values are "N","S","E" and "W" | "N" | |
beamline | 1 | Defines the 'beamline number' of your instrument position. Valid values are 1..10 or 1..11 depending on sector | 1 | |
yheight | m | Defines the moderator height. Valid values are 0.03 m and 0.06 m | 0.03 | |
cold_frac | 1 | Defines the statistical fraction of events emitted from the cold part of the moderator | 0.5 | |
target_index | 1 | Relative index of component to focus at, e.g. next is +1 this is used to compute 'dist' automatically. | 0 | |
dist | m | Distance from origin to focusing rectangle; at (0,0,dist) - alternatively use target_index | 0 | |
focus_xw | m | Width of focusing rectangle | 0 | |
focus_yh | m | Height of focusing rectangle | 0 | |
c_performance | 1 | Cold brilliance scalar performance multiplicator c_performance > 0 | 1 | |
t_performance | 1 | Thermal brilliance scalar performance multiplicator t_performance > 0 | 1 | |
Lmin | AA | Minimum wavelength simulated | ||
Lmax | AA | Maximum wavelength simulated | ||
tmax_multiplier | 1 | Defined maximum emission time at moderator, tmax= tmax_multiplier * ESS_PULSE_DURATION. | 3 | |
n_pulses | 1 | Number of pulses simulated. 0 and 1 creates one pulse. | 1 | |
acc_power | MW | Accelerator power in MW | 5 | |
tfocus_dist | m | Position of time focusing window along z axis | 0 | |
tfocus_time | s | Time position of time focusing window | 0 | |
tfocus_width | s | Time width of time focusing window | 0 |
AT ( | , | , | ) RELATIVE | |||
ROTATED ( | , | , | ) RELATIVE |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36