[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
ComponentThis routine is a neutron source (rectangular or circular), which aims at a square target centered at the beam (in order to improve MC-acceptance rate). The angular divergence is then given by the dimensions of the target. However, it may be directly set using the 'focus-aw' and 'focus_ah' parameters. The neutron energy/wavelength is distributed uniformly in wavelength between Emin=E0-dE and Emax=E0+dE or Lmin=lambda0-dlambda and Lmax=lambda0+dlambda. The I1 may be either arbitrary (I1=0), or specified in neutrons per steradian per square cm per Angstrom per s. A Maxwellian spectra may be selected if you give the source temperatures (up to 3). Finally, a file with the flux as a function of the wavelength [lambda(AA) flux(n/s/cm^2/st/AA)] may be used with the 'flux_file' parameter. Format is 2 columns free text. Additional distributions for the horizontal and vertical phase spaces distributions (position-divergence) may be specified with the 'xdiv_file' and 'ydiv_file' parameters. Format is free text, requiring a comment line '# xylimits: pos_min pos_max div_min div_max' to set the axis of the distribution matrix. All these files may be generated using standard monitors (better in McStas/PGPLOT format), e.g.: Monitor_nD(options="auto lambda per cm2") Monitor_nD(options="x hdiv, all auto") Monitor_nD(options="y vdiv, all auto") The source shape is defined by its radius, or can alternatively be squared if you specify non-zero yheight and xwidth parameters. The beam is divergence uniform,. The source may have a thickness, which will broaden the default zero time distribution. Usage example: Source_gen(radius=0.1,lambda0=2.36,dlambda=0.16,T1=20,I1=1e13,focus_xw=0.01,focus_yh=0.01) Source_gen(yheight=0.1,xwidth=0.1,Emin=1,Emax=3,I1=1e13,verbose=1,focus_xw=0.01,focus_yh=0.01) EXTEND %{ t = rand0max(1e-3); // set time from 0 to 1 ms for TOF instruments. %} Some neutron facility parameters: PSI cold source T1=296.2,I1=8.5E11, T2=40.68,I2=5.2E11 ILL VCS cold source T1=216.8,I1=1.24e+13,T2=33.9,I2=1.02e+13 (H1, 58 MW) T3=16.7 ,I3=3.0423e+12 ILL HCS cold source T1=413.5,I1=10.22e12,T2=145.8,I2=3.44e13 (H5, 58 MW) T3=40.1 ,I3=2.78e13 ILL Thermal tube T1=683.7,I1=0.5874e+13,T2=257.7,I2=2.5099e+13 (H12, 58 MW) T3=16.7 ,I3=1.0343e+12 ILL Hot source T1=1695, I1=1.74e13,T2=708, I2=3.9e12 (58MW) HZB cold source T1=43.7 ,I1=1.4e12, T2=137.2,I2=2.08e12,radius=.155 (10MW) HZB bi-spectral T1=43.7, I1=1.4e12, T2=137.2,I2=2.08e12,T3=293.0,I3=1.77e12 HZB thermal tube T1=293.0,I1=2.64e12 (10MW) FRM2 cold,20MW T1=35.0, I1=9.38e12,T2=547.5,I2=2.23e12,T3=195.4,I3=1.26e13 FRM2 thermal,20MW T1=285.6,I1=3.06e13,T2=300.0,I2=1.68e12,T3=429.9,I3=6.77e12 LLB cold,14MW T1=220, I1=2.09e12,T2=60, I2=3.83e12,T3=20, I3=1.04e12 TRIGA thermal 1MW T1=300, I1=3.5e11 (scale by thermal power in MW) %VALIDATION Feb 2005: output cross-checked for 3 Maxwellians against VITESS source I(lambda), I(hor_div), I(vert_div) identical in shape and absolute values Validated by: K. Lieutenant
Name | Unit | Description | Default | |
flux_file | str | Name of a two columns [lambda flux] text file that contains the wavelength distribution of the flux in either [1/(s*cm**2*st)] or [1/(s*cm**2*st*AA)] (see flux_file_perAA flag) Comments (#) and further columns are ignored. Format is compatible with McStas/PGPLOT wavelength monitor files. When specified, temperature and intensity values are ignored. | "NULL" | |
xdiv_file | str | Name of the x-horiz. divergence distribution file, given as a free format text matrix, preceeded with a line '# xylimits: xmin xmax xdiv_min xdiv_max' | "NULL" | |
ydiv_file | str | Name of the y-vert. divergence distribution file, given as a free format text matrix, preceeded with a line '# xylimits: ymin ymax ydiv_min ydiv_max' | "NULL" | |
radius | m | Radius of circle in (x,y,0) plane where neutrons are generated. You may also use 'yheight' and 'xwidth' for a square source | 0.0 | |
dist | m | Distance to target along z axis. | 0 | |
focus_xw | m | Width of target. | 0.045 | |
focus_yh | m | Height of target. | 0.12 | |
focus_aw | deg | maximal (uniform) horz. width divergence | 0 | |
focus_ah | deg | maximal (uniform) vert. height divergence | 0 | |
E0 | meV | Mean energy of neutrons. | 0 | |
dE | meV | Energy spread of neutrons, half width. | 0 | |
lambda0 | AA | Mean wavelength of neutrons. | 0 | |
dlambda | AA | Wavelength spread of neutrons,half width | 0 | |
I1 | 1/(cm**2*sr) | Source flux per solid angle, area and Angstrom if I1=0, the source emits 1 in 4*PI whole space. | 1 | |
yheight | m | Source y-height, then does not use radius parameter | 0.1 | |
xwidth | m | Source x-width, then does not use radius parameter | 0.1 | |
verbose | 0/1 | display info about the source. -1 unactivate source. | 0 | |
T1 | K | Temperature of the Maxwellian source, 0=none | 0 | |
flux_file_perAA | 1 | When true (1), indicates that flux file data is already per Aangstroem. If false, file data is per wavelength bin. | 0 | |
flux_file_log | 1 | When true, will transform the flux table in log scale to improve the sampling. | 0 | |
Lmin | AA | Minimum wavelength of neutrons | 0 | |
Lmax | AA | Maximum wavelength of neutrons | 0 | |
Emin | meV | Minimum energy of neutrons | 0 | |
Emax | meV | Maximum energy of neutrons | 0 | |
T2 | K | Second Maxwellian source Temperature, 0=none | 0 | |
I2 | 1/(cm**2*sr) | Second Maxwellian Source flux | 0 | |
T3 | K | Third Maxwellian source Temperature, 0=none | 0 | |
I3 | 1/(cm**2*sr) | Third Maxwellian Source flux | 0 | |
zdepth | m | Source z-zdepth, not anymore flat | 0 | |
target_index | 1 | relative index of component to focus at, e.g. next is +1 this is used to compute 'dist' automatically. | +1 |
AT ( | , | , | ) RELATIVE | |||
ROTATED ( | , | , | ) RELATIVE |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36