[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
ComponentPart of the Union components, a set of components that work together and thus sperates geometry and physics within McStas. The use of this component requires other components to be used. 1) One specifies a number of processes using process components 2) These are gathered into material definitions using Union_make_material 3) Geometries are placed using Union_box/cylinder/sphere, assigned a material 4) A Union_master component placed after all of the above Only in step 4 will any simulation happen, and per default all geometries defined before this master, but after the previous will be simulated here. There is a dedicated manual available for the Union components The position of this component is the center of the sphere It is allowed to overlap components, but it is not allowed to have two parallel planes that coincides. This will crash the code on run time.
Name | Unit | Description | Default | |
material_string | string | material name of this volume, defined using Union_make_material | 0 | |
priority | 1 | priotiry of the volume (can not be the same as another volume) A high priority is on top of low. | ||
radius | m | Radius of sphere | ||
visualize | 1 | set to 0 if you wish to hide this geometry in mcdisplay | 1 | |
target_index | 1 | Focuses on component a component this many steps further in the component sequence | 0 | |
target_x | m | X position of target to focus at | 0 | |
target_y | m | Y position of target to focus at | 0 | |
target_z | m | Z position of target to focus at | 0 | |
focus_aw | deg | horiz. angular dimension of a rectangular area | 0 | |
focus_ah | deg | vert. angular dimension of a rectangular area | 0 | |
focus_xw | m | horiz. dimension of a rectangular area | 0 | |
focus_xh | m | vert. dimension of a rectangular area | 0 | |
focus_r | m | focusing on circle with this radius | 0 | |
p_interact | 1 | probability to interact with this geometry [0-1] | 0 | |
mask_string | string | Comma seperated list of geometry names which this geometry should mask | 0 | |
mask_setting | string | "All" or "Any", should the masked volume be simulated when the ray is in just one mask, or all. | 0 | |
number_of_activations | 1 | Number of subsequent Union_master components that will simulate this geometry | 1 | |
init | string | name of Union_init component (typically "init", default) | "init" |
AT ( | , | , | ) RELATIVE | |||
ROTATED ( | , | , | ) RELATIVE |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36