MC2D & MC3D - replacements for the McStas display GUI's I designed these programs to run on windows & unix platforms. May even be possible to port to a mac given enough effort. MC2D & MC3D were built around the OpenGL engine and use the GLUT and GLUI libraries to implement a GUI interface. On unix you probably have GLUT installed, if not the source file is included here and a link it given to the newest version. On windows you should copy the compiled dlls for GLUT. On windows I have used the free Borland compiler though Visual C++ will probably also work. You will have to go the Borland (Inprise) site to download their compiler if you want to use it. glut-3.7.tar.gz 3,151,216 Source files for GLUT, needed for unix, and taken from: 106,110 Precompiled dlls for GLUT, needed for windows, and taken from: 327,381 Source files for GLUI, needed by everyone, and taken from: 30,294 How to compile GLUI using the Borland compiler for windows. Even if you are going to use another windows compiler you should download this and look at the readme.txt file. 91,564 The standard components of McStas v1.4 editted for use by MC3D. Also contains a new prismas2.instr to be used as an example. Copy these files over the standard ones (backup the old ones first) 30,403 Source code for MC3D & MC2D. I include a MAKE.BAT to compile the program on windows using the Borland compiler, and a makefile that I used on our SGI O2 machine. 228,237 Precompiled versions of MC3D & MC2D for windows. Either download and (to look at the readme.txt file in it) to compile your own simulations, or download to view the results for the example prisma2 simulation. 65,446 Precompiled version of (editted) prisma2 for windows. Use run.bat to create prisma2 output files. Use commands "mc3d trace.out" and "mc2d" to display results. mc3d.txt 2,285 This file!