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McStas: Transmission_polarisatorABSnT

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The Transmission_polarisatorABSnT Component

The main source code was taken from Gravity_guide (ver 1.6ill) R0=0.99, Qc=0.021, alpha=6.07, m=1.0, W=0.003, k=1, d=0.0005) w2=0.050, h2=0.050, l=2.700, waferD=0.0003, FeD=2.16e-06, Si_i=0.2, Si_a=0.215, R0=0.99, Qc=0.02174, alpha=4.25, W=0.001, mleft=1.2, mright=1.2, mtop=1.2, mbottom=1.2, R0_up=0.99, Qc_up=0.014, alpha_up=2.25, W_up=0.0025, mup=1.0, R0_down=0.99, Qc_down=0.02174, alpha_down=3.8, W_down=0.00235, mdown=2.5)


  • Site:
  • Author: Andreas Ostermann
  • Origin: McStas 1.8/ILL (France).
  • Date:


Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
w1mWidth at the polarizer entry
h1mHeight at the polarizer entry
w2mWidth at the polarizer exit
h2mHeight at the polarizer exit
lmlength of polarizer
waferDmThickness of Si wafer
Si_ibarnsScattering cross section per atom (barns)
Si_abarnsAbsorption cross section per atom (barns) at 2200m/s
R01Low-angle reflectivity of the outer guide0.99
QcAA-1Critical scattering vector of the outer guide0.02174
alphaAASlope of reflectivity of the outer guide4.25
WAA-1Width of supermirror cut-off of the outer guide0.001
R0_up1Low-angle reflectivity of the Fe/Si-wafer for spin up neutrons0.99
Qc_upAA-1Critical scattering vector of the Fe/Si-wafer for spin up neutrons0.0109
alpha_upAASlope of reflectivity of the Fe/Si-wafer for spin up neutrons4.25
W_upAA-1Width of supermirror cut-off of the Fe/Si-wafer for spin up neutrons0.0025
R0_down1Low-angle reflectivity of the Fe/Si-wafer for spin down neutrons0.99
Qc_downAA-1Critical scattering vector of the Fe/Si-wafer for spin down neutrons0.02174
alpha_downAASlope of reflectivity of the Fe/Si-wafer for spin down neutrons6.25
W_downAA-1Width of supermirror cut-off of the Fe/Si-wafer for spin down neutrons0.001
mleft1m-value of material for left. vert. mirror of the outer guide-1
mright1m-value of material for right. vert. mirror of the outer guide-1
mtop1m-value of material for top. horz. mirror of the outer guide-1
mbottom1m-value of material for bottom. horz. mirror of the outer guide-1
mup1m-value of the Fe/Si-wafer for spin up neutrons-1
mdown1m-value of the Fe/Si-wafer for spin down neutrons-1


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43

Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2024 05:31:14 CEST
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