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McStas: ISIS_Prisma2

[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The ISIS_Prisma2 Instrument

Simple simulation of PRISMA2 with RITA-style analyser backend.


  • Site: ISIS
  • Author: Kristian Nielsen and Mark Hagen
  • Origin: ISIS/Risoe
  • Date: August 1998.


Demonstrates how the standard components from the component library
may be easily modified for special purposes; in this case to have
the individual analyser blades paint a "color" on the neutrons to
differentiate them in the detector.

Output is in the file "prisma2.tof". The format is ASCII; each
line consists of the time-of-flight in microseconds followed by seven
intensities of neutrons from each individual analyser blade.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
TTdegTake-off angle at the sample position, aka A4-30
PHAdegAnalyzer group rotation angle, aka A522
PHA1degAnalyzer 1 tilt angle-3
PHA2degAnalyzer 2 tilt angle-2
PHA3degAnalyzer 3 tilt angle-1
PHA4degAnalyzer 4 tilt angle0
PHA5degAnalyzer 5 tilt angle1
PHA6degAnalyzer 6 tilt angle2
PHA7degAnalyzer 7 tilt angle3
TTAdegTake-off angle at the analyzer position, aka A64


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2024-01-03 11:47:43

Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2024 05:31:14 CEST
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