Instrument to study tomographic imaging by means of the new V_sample feature of OFF shape samples.
Site: Templates
Author: Peter Willendrup, based on work by Reynald ARNERIN
Origin: Risoe
Date: June 20th, 2008
Instrument to study tomographic imaging by means of the new V_sample feature of OFF shape samples.
Example: mcrun Tomography.instr -n1e4 -N18 omega=0,340 -d TomoScan
(Note that to achieve proper statistics for tomographic reconstruction, MUCH higher ncounts
are needed)
Use the provided Matlab tomo_recon.m function (requires imaging toolbox, PGPLOT output data
and a Unix/Mac) in the tools/matlab folder to reconstruct a 3D volume of the object. Use e.g.
isosurface to do thresholding for extraction of the object surface.
Input parameters
Parameters in boldface are required;
the others are optional.