Test instrument for the SasView_model component generating event data for Mantid. No guide / velocity selector
Site: Mantid
Author: Peter Willendrup and Torben Nielsen
Origin: DTU, European Spallation Source ERIC
Date: 25 Jan 2016
Very simple test instrument for the SasView_model component.
Modified to show a proof of concept method for storing a 'Mantid friendly' type of NeXus file.
Needed steps (McStas):
1) Compile your instrument with NeXus library and ISO c99 support
2) Generate an IDF using mcdisplay templateSANS_Mantid --format=Mantid -n0
3) mcrun templateSasView_Mantid -n1e6 --format=NeXus
Needed steps (Mantid):
a) Load McStas NeXus file
b) Run Mantid algorithm: 'ConvertUnits' using the 'wavelenth' and 'elastic' options
c) Run Mantid algorithm: 'Qxy' using the options 'MaxQxy=0.6', 'DeltaQ=0.003', 'SolidAngleWeighting=False'
Input parameters
Parameters in boldface are required;
the others are optional.