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McStas: ISIS_moderator

[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The ISIS_moderator Component

ISIS Moderators


  • Site:
  • Author: S. Ansell and D. Champion
  • Origin: ISIS
  • Date: AUGUST 2005


Produces a TS1 or TS2 ISIS moderator distribution.  The Face argument determines which moderator
is to be sampled. Each face uses a different Etable file (the location of which is determined by
the MCTABLES environment variable).  Neutrons are created having a range of energies
determined by the Emin and Emax arguments.  Trajectories are produced such that they pass
through the moderator face (defined by modXsixe and yheight) and a focusing rectangle
(defined by xh,focus_yh and dist).  Please download the documentation for precise instructions for use.

Example:   ISIS_moderator(Face ="water", Emin = 49.0,Emax = 51.0, dist = 1.0, focus_xw = 0.01,
focus_yh = 0.01, xwidth = 0.074, yheight = 0.074, CAngle = 0.0,SAC= 1)

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
FacewordName of the face - TS2=groove,hydrogen,narrow,broad -"hydrogen"
EminmeVLower edge of energy distribution49.0
EmaxmeVUpper edge of energy distribution51.0
distmDistance from source to the focusing rectangle1.0
focus_xwmWidth of focusing rectangle0.01
focus_yhmHeight of focusing rectangle0.01
xwidthmModerator vertical size0.074
yheightmModerator Horizontal size0.074
CAngleradiansAngle from the centre line0.0
SACbooleanApply solid angle correction or not (1/0)1
LminmeVLower edge of wavelength distribution0
LmaxmeVUpper edge of wavelength distribution0
target_index1relative index of component to focus at, e.g. next is +1+1
verbosebooleanEcho status information at everu 1e5'th neutron0


  • Source code for ISIS_moderator.comp.
  • Further information should be
  • downloaded from the ISIS MC website.
  • *******************************************************************************/

[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36

Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2024 05:31:13 CEST
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