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McStas: SANSNanodiscs

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The SANSNanodiscs Component

A sample of monodisperse phospholipid bilayer nanodiscs in solution (water).


  • Site:
  • Author: Martin Cramer Pedersen (
  • Origin: KU-Science
  • Date: October 17, 2012


A component simulating the scattering from a box-shaped, thin solution (water)
of monodisperse phospholipid bilayer nanodiscs.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
AxisRatioAxis ratio of the bilayer patch.1.4
NumberOfLipidsNumber of lipids per nanodisc.130.0
AreaPerLipidHeadgroupAA^2Area per lipid headgroup - default is POPC.65.0
HeightOfMSPAAHeight of the belt protein - default is MSP1D1.24.0
VolumeOfOneMSPAA^3Volume of one belt protein - default is MSP1D1.26296.5
VolumeOfHeadgroupAA^3Volume of one lipid headgroup - default is POPC.319.0
VolumeOfCH2TailAA^3Volume of the CH2-chains of one lipid - default is POPC.818.8
VolumeOfCH3TailAA^3Volume of the CH3-tails of one lipid - default is POPC.108.6
ScatteringLengthOfOneMSPcmScattering length of one belt protein - default is MSP1D1 in D2O.8.8E-10
ScatteringLengthOfHeadgroupcmScattering length of one lipid headgroup - default is POPC in D2O.7.05E-12
ScatteringLengthOfCH2TailcmScattering length of the CH2-chains of one lipid - default is POPC in D2O.-1.76E-12
ScatteringLengthOfCH3TailcmScattering length of the CH3-tails of one lipid - default is POPC in D2O.-9.15E-13
RoughnessFactor used to smear the interfaces of the nanodisc.5.0
ConcentrationmMConcentration of sample.0.01
RhoSolventcm/AA^3Scattering length density of solvent - default is D2O.6.4e-14
AbsorptionCrosssection1/mAbsorption cross section of the sample.0.0
xwidthmDimension of component in the x-direction.
yheightmDimension of component in the y-direction.
zdepthmDimension of component in the z-direction.
SampleToDetectorDistancemDistance from sample to detector (for focusing the scattered neutrons).
DetectorRadiusmRadius of the detector (for focusing the scattered neutrons).


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36

Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2024 05:31:13 CEST
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