[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
InstrumentTakes any possible McStas eventfile inputs (Virtual_input/Vitess/MCNP/Tripoli4 formats) and applies Monitor_nD to generate user-selectable neutron histograms. The 'options' parameter allows to customize the type of histogram to generate. We suggest: "sphere theta phi outgoing previous" (this is the default) "previous, multiple, auto, x, y, z, vx, vy, vz, hdiv, vdiv, tof, lambda" "previous, auto, x, y" "previous, auto, tof, lambda" Example: mcrun Histogrammer.instr MODE=0 - Gives information on the input parameters Example: mcrun Histogrammer.instr filename="events.dat" MODE=1 options="sphere theta phi outgoing previous" - Reads a Virtual_output generated event file and applies a spherical PSD
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
filename | string | Specifies input event file | 0 |
MODE | int | Input file mode/format - 0 for help on usage 1=McStas,2=Vitess,3=MCNP,4=Tripoli4,5=MCPL | 0 |
options | string | Specifies the histogramming rules used by Monitor_nD. | "sphere theta phi outgoing previous" |
bufsize | int | Vitess_input 'buffersize' parameter - see mcdoc Vitess_input | 10000 |
xwidth | m | Horizontal width of detector, or diameter for banana,cylinder and shpere geometry | 0.1 |
yheight | m | Vertical height of detector, for plate, cylinder, banana shape | 0.1 |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36