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McStas: MCPL_input

[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The MCPL_input Component

Source-like component that reads neutron state parameters from an mcpl-file.


  • Site:
  • Author: Erik B Knudsen
  • Origin: DTU Physics
  • Date: Mar 2016


Source-like component that reads neutron state parameters from a binary mcpl-file.

MCPL is short for Monte Carlo Particle List, and is a new format for sharing events
between e.g. MCNP(X), Geant4 and McStas.

When used with MPI, the --ncount given on the commandline is overwritten by
#MPI nodes x #events in the file.


Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
filenamestrName of neutron mcpl file to read.0
polarisationuse If !=0 read polarisation vectors from file.1
verbose Print debugging information for first 10 particles read.1
EminmeVLower energy bound. Particles found in the MCPL-file below the limit are skipped.0
EmaxmeVUpper energy bound. Particles found in the MCPL-file above the limit are skipped.FLT_MAX
repeat_count1Repeat contents of the MCPL file this number of times. NB: When running MPI, repeating is implicit and is taken into account by integer division. Should be combined sith the _smear options!1
E_smear1When repeating events, make a Gaussian MC choice within E_smear*E around particle energy E0
pos_smearmWhen repeating events, make a flat MC choice of position within pos_smear around particle starting position0
dir_smeardegWhen repeating events, make a Gaussian MC choice of direction within dir_smear around particle direction0
preload Load particles during INITIALIZE. On GPU preload is forced.0


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36

Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2024 05:31:13 CEST
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