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McStas: SEMSANS_instrument

[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The SEMSANS_instrument Instrument



  • Site: Reactor_Institute_Delft
  • Author: Morten Sales
  • Origin: Copenhagen, Berlin, Delft
  • Date: 2014


SEMSANS instrument with 2 isosceles triangular field coils

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
triacoil_depthmHalf of the triangular coil depth in z-direction (one right triangle)1.935000e-01
triacoil_widthmxwidth of triangular coil7.042824e-02
triacoil_heightmyheight of triangular coil3.000000e-01
pol_zdepthmDepth of the polariser along z9.300000e-01
vcoil_zdepthmDepth along z of the v-coil flipper1.500000e-01
Guide1_depthmDepth of first guide/precession field section1.650000e-02
Guide2_depthmDepth of second guide/precession field section3.315000e-01
Guide3_depthmDepth of third guide/precession field section3.315000e-01
Guide4_depthmDepth of fourth guide/precession field section5.650000e-02
BguideTField strength of guide/precession field-5.000000e-04
BextraTField strength of extra field in guide field 1 to acheive echo-2.120000e-02
Bt2TField in first triangular coil-4.440000e-03
Bt1TField in second triangular coil-2.560000e-03
DLambdaAAWavelength spread from source (half of it)4.166366e+00
LambdaAAMean wavelength4.559500e+00
flipposmPosition (away from position set by vcoil_34_pos) of pi-flipper3.100000e-02
FLIP1Choose polarisation direction using v-coil pi/2-flipper (1 is down, -1 is up)1.000000e+00
chop1_posmPosition of first chopper5.000000e-01
chop2_posmPosition of second chopper9.740000e-01
pol_posmPosition of polariser1.907000e+00
analyser_posmPosition of analyser6.072000e+00
grating_wmWidth of transmitting part of grating1.570000e-03
grating_amWidth of absorbing part of grating2.930000e-03
slit_1_posmPosition of first slit2.957000e+00
slit_2_posmPosition of second slit5.437000e+00
Guide1_posmPosition of first guide/precession field3.307000e+00
Guide2_posmPosition of second guide/precession field3.710500e+00
Guide3_posmPosition of third guide/precession field4.342000e+00
Guide4_posmPosition of fourth guide/precession field5.060500e+00
vcoil_12_posmPosition of first v-coil pair3.157000e+00
vcoil_34_posmPosition of second v-coil pair4.192000e+00
vcoil_56_posmPosition of third v-coil pair5.267000e+00
triacoil_1_posmPosition of first triangular coil (centre)3.517000e+00
triacoil_2_posmPosition of second triangular coil (centre)4.867000e+00
grating_posmPosition of grating6.757000e+00
detector_posmPosition of detector6.957000e+00
tlowmu-stmin of detector2.190523040779461e+03
thighmu-stmax of detector1.214744595341338e+04


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36

Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2024 05:31:13 CEST
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