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McStas: Test_Monochromators

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The Test_Monochromators Instrument

Compares intensities of Monochromator components.


  • Site: Tests_optics
  • Author: Peter Christiansen
  • Origin: RISOE.
  • Date: July 2006.


Very simple setup to compare intensities diffracted by Monochromators.
It shows that implementations are equivalent.

PG 002 oriented examples:

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
Mono1Choice of Monochromator component to use, with 1=Monochromator_flat 2=Monochromator_pol 3=Monochromator_pol (forcing 1% events to be reflected) 4=Monochromator_curved (in flat mode) 5=Monochromator_2foc (contrib, flat mode) 6=Single_crystal 7=NCrystal1
lminAngsMinimum wavelength produced from source1.6
lmaxAngsMaximum wavelength produced from source2.4
reflectionsstrinput-file for Single_crystal (Mono=6)"C_graphite.lau"
NXrefsstrinput-file for NCrystal (Mono=7)"C_sg194_pyrolytic_graphite.ncmat"
DMAngsMono lattice spacing (should be chosen compatible with file-unput when Mono=6/73.3539
PG1PG-mode for Single_crystal (range 0-1)0
powder1Powder-mode for Single_crystal0
order1Maximum order of scattering in Single_crystal0
axAngs or 1/Angsx-coordinate of 1st direct/recip lattice unit cell vector (depends on recip setting)0
ayAngs or 1/Angsy-coordinate of 1st direct/recip lattice unit cell vector (depends on recip setting)0
azAngs or 1/Angsz-coordinate of 1st direct/recip lattice unit cell vector (depends on recip setting)0
bxAngs or 1/Angsx-coordinate of 2nd direct/recip lattice unit cell vector (depends on recip setting)0
byAngs or 1/Angsy-coordinate of 2nd direct/recip lattice unit cell vector (depends on recip setting)0
bzAngs or 1/Angsz-coordinate of 2nd direct/recip lattice unit cell vector (depends on recip setting)0
cxAngs or 1/Angsx-coordinate of 3rd direct/recip lattice unit cell vector (depends on recip setting)0
cyAngs or 1/Angsy-coordinate of 3rd direct/recip lattice unit cell vector (depends on recip setting)0
czAngs or 1/Angsx-coordinate of 3rd direct/recip lattice unit cell vector (depends on recip setting)0
recip1Flag to indicate if ax/y/z, bx/y/z, cx/y/z lattice corrdinates are in direct (=0) or reciprocal space units0
dthickmThickness of mono slab in Mono=6/7 cases0.0015
p_transmit1Probability of transmission in Single_crystal Mono=6 case0.001
lambdaAngsTarget mochromator wavelength2.0


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36

Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2024 05:31:13 CEST
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