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McStas: templateTOF

[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The templateTOF Instrument

A test instrument for the S(q,w) sample, with furnace/container


  • Site: Templates
  • Author: E. Farhi
  • Origin: ILL
  • Date: Jan 2004


This instrument is a test instrument for the S(q,w) sample.
It produces a tof-angle and q-energy detectors and also exports the
S(q,w) and S(q) data.
The sample environment is a single cylinder.
The sample container has the same shape as the sample itself, but is not
active when using a spherical sample shape (height=0).
detector is 2.5 m diameter, with 40 cm heigh, 1 inch diameter detector tubes.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
E0meVincident neutron beam energy4.94
dEmeVincident neutron beam energy spread0.24
dtstime spread from chopper distribution6.4e-6
cohstrsample coherent Sqw data file or NULL"Rb_liq_coh.sqw"
incstrsample incoherent Sqw data file or NULL"Rb_liq_inc.sqw"
thicknessmthickness of sample. 0=filled1e-4
yheightmheight of sample. 0=sphere0.0168
radiusmradius of sample (outer)0.005
containerstrcontainer material or NULL"Nb.laz"
container_thicknessmcontainer thickness50e-6
environmentstrsample environment material or NULL"Al.laz"
environment_radiusmsample environment outer radius0.025
environment_thicknessmsample environment thickness2e-3


  • Source code for templateTOF.instr.
  • The Isotropic_Sqw sample
  • The Samples_Isotropic_Sqw example instrument

[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36

Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2024 05:31:13 CEST
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