Detector-like component writing neutron state parameters to a
virtual source neutron file with MCNP/PTRAC format.
The component geometry is the full plane, and saves the neutron state as
it exits from the previous component.
Format is the one used by MCNP 5 files :
position_X position_Y position_Z dir_X dir_Y dir_Z energy weight time
energy is in Mega eV
positions are in cm and the direction vector is normalized to 1.
This component will NOT work with parallel execution (MPI).
To create a file collecting all neutron states with MCNP5 format
COMPONENT fichier_sortie = Virtual_mcnp_output(
filename = "exit_guide_result.dat")
at the position where will be the Virtual_mcnp_input.
Input parameters
Parameters in boldface are required;
the others are optional.