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McStas: Pol_guide_vmirror

[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

The Pol_guide_vmirror Component

Polarising guide with nvs x 2 supermirrors sitting in v-shapes inside, upgraded from original single V-cavity.


  • Site:
  • Author: Peter Willendrup
  • Origin: DTU
  • Date: June 2022


Models a rectangular guide with entrance centered on the Z axis and
with nvs x two supermirrors sitting in v-shapes inside.
The entrance lies in the X-Y plane.  Draws a true depiction
of the guide with mirrors, and trajectories.
The polarisation is handled similar to in Monochromator_pol.
The reflec functions are handled similar to Pol_mirror.
The up direction is hardcoded to be along the y-axis (0, 1, 0)

The reflectivity parameters can be
1. double pointer initializations with 5 parameters (e.g. {R0, Qc, alpha, m, W} AND inputType=0), or
2. double pointer initializations with 6 parameters (e.g. {R0, Qc, alpha, m, W, beta} AND inputType=0), or
3. table names (e.g."supermirror_m2.rfl" AND inputType=1), or
4. individually assigned values (e.g. rR0=1.0, rQc=0.0217, ... etc AND inputType=2).
NB! This might cause warnings by the compiler that can be ignored.
Note that the reflectivity functions that use with values and those that use tables are different.


No absorption by mirror.

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
nvs1Number of V-cavities across width of guide1
xwidthmWidth at the guide entry0.1
yheightmHeight at the guide entry0.1
lengthmlength of guide0.5
rR01Cavity wall reflectivity below critical scattering vector, use with inputType = 21.0
rQcAA-1Cavity wall reflectivity critical scattering vector, use natural Ni (m=1 definition) value of 0.0217, use with inputType = 20.0217
ralphaAACavity wall slope of reflectivity, use with inputType = 26.5
rmSM1Cavity wall m-value of material. Zero means completely absorbing. Use with inputType = 22
rWAA-1Cavity wall width of reflectivity cut-off, use with inputType = 20.00157
rbetaAA2Cavity wall curvature of reflectivity, use with inputType = 280
rUpR01Mirror spin up reflectivity below critical scattering vector, use with inputType = 21.0
rUpQcAA-1Mirror spin up reflectivity critical scattering vector, use natural Ni (m=1 definition) value of 0.0217, use with inputType = 20.0217
rUpalphaAAMirror spin up slope of reflectivity, use with inputType = 22.47
rUpmSM1Mirror spin up m-value of material. Zero means completely absorbing. Use with inputType = 24
rUpWAA-1Mirror spin up width of reflectivity cut-off, use with inputType = 20.0014
rUpbetaAA2Mirror spin up curvature of reflectivity, use with inputType = 20
rDownR01Mirror spin down reflectivity below critical scattering vector, use with inputType = 21.0
rDownQcAA-1Mirror spin down reflectivity critical scattering vector, use natural Ni (m=1 definition) value of 0.0217, use with inputType = 20.0217
rDownalphaAAMirror spin down slope of reflectivity, use with inputType = 21
rDownmSM1Mirror spin down m-value of material. Zero means completely absorbing. Use with inputType = 20.65
rDownWAA-1Mirror spin down width of reflectivity cut-off, use with inputType = 20.003
rDownbetaAA2Mirror spin down curvature of reflectivity, use with inputType = 20
debug1if debug > 0 print out some internal runtime parameters0
rPar1Cavity wall parameters array for rFunc, use with inputType = 0{1.0, 0.0217, 6.5, 2, 0.00157, 80}
rUpPar1Mirror Parameters array for rUpFunc, use with inputType = 0{1.0, 0.0217, 2.47, 4, 0.0014}
rDownPar1Mirror Parameters for rDownFunc, use with inputType = 0{1.0, 0.0217, 1, 0.65, 0.003}


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36

Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2024 05:31:14 CEST
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