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McStas: SasView_sphere

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The SasView_sphere Component

SasView sphere model component as sample description.


  • Site:
  • Author: Jose Robledo
  • Origin: FZJ / DTU / ESS DMSC
  • Date:


SasView_sphere component, generated from sphere.c in sasmodels.

SasView_sphere(sld, sld_solvent, radius,
model_scale=1.0, model_abs=0.0, xwidth=0.01, yheight=0.01, zdepth=0.005, R=0,
int target_index=1, target_x=0, target_y=0, target_z=1,
focus_xw=0.5, focus_yh=0.5, focus_aw=0, focus_ah=0, focus_r=0,

Input parameters

Parameters in boldface are required; the others are optional.
sld1e-6/Ang^2([-inf, inf]) Layer scattering length density.1
sld_solvent1e-6/Ang^2([-inf, inf]) Solvent scattering length density.6
radiusAng([0, inf]) Sphere radius.50
model_scale Global scale factor for scattering kernel. For systems without inter-particle interference, the form factors can be related to the scattering intensity by the particle volume fraction.1.0
model_abs Absorption cross section density at 2200 m/s.0.0
xwidthm([-inf, inf]) Horiz. dimension of sample, as a width.0.01
yheightm([-inf, inf]) vert . dimension of sample, as a height for cylinder/box0.01
zdepthm([-inf, inf]) depth of sample0.005
RmOuter radius of sample in (x,z) plane for cylinder/sphere.0
target_xmrelative focus target position.0
target_ymrelative focus target position.0
target_zmrelative focus target position.1
target_index Relative index of component to focus at, e.g. next is +1.1
focus_xwmhoriz. dimension of a rectangular area.0.5
focus_yhm, vert. dimension of a rectangular area.0.5
focus_awdeg, horiz. angular dimension of a rectangular area.0
focus_ahdeg, vert. angular dimension of a rectangular area.0
focus_rmcase of circular focusing, focusing radius.0
pd_radius(0,inf) defined as (dx/x), where x is de mean value and dx the standard devition of the variable0.0


[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]

Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36

Last Modified: Tuesday, 17-Sep-2024 05:31:14 CEST
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