McStas logo McStas - A neutron ray-trace simulation package ILL; PSI; ESS Niels Bohr Institute DTU Physics NEXMAP

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* Updated ESS source components for use with McStas 1.12c and 2.0     *

This package contains:

  1. Updated ESS source components for McStas 1.12c and 2.0 with
    • Cold and thermal moderators
    • Cylindrical cold source geometry
    • Flat thermal wing geometry
    • Geometry close to that from MCNPX
    • 2012 cold brightness
    • A much easier-to-use definition of geometry, allowing to specify the instrument position within a 60-degree sector
    • A couple of bug fixes
  2. Updated Brilliance_monitor.comp for McStas 1.12c and 2.0
  3. ESS_moderator_long_2001.comp for McStas 1.12c (same as included in McStas 2.0)
  4. Test instruments set up for estimating the (cold) source brilliance of ESS in 2012 and 2001 versions
  5. PDF plots of average and peak brilliance as produced by the new McStas source, overlayed on the officialcurve from ESS target division and the corresponding curve from VitESS.
We hope to soon release McStas either a 2.0a or 2.1 which will include these as well as other improvements. Best, Peter Willendrup - on behalf of the McStas team.

Last Modified: Wednesday, 12-Jan-2022 14:57:17 CET
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