McStas logo McStas - A neutron ray-trace simulation package ILL; PSI; ESS Niels Bohr Institute DTU Physics NEXMAP

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Unofficial McStas contributions

From this page, a number of unofficial additions to the official McStas release are available for download. These downloads consist of features and components that have been contributed by users of McStas. The unofficial McStas downloads may not be as fully tested and documented as the official version, but may nevertheless be very useful. Often, additional information can be found by searching the mailing list archive.

Graphical user interfaces (GUI:s)

  • StatMon - a java-based GUI for monitoring McStas simulations is available by request to Ulrich Wildgruber. StatMon was contributed by Stephan Gekle and Ulrich Wildgruber.
  • mc3d - GUI:s for displaying McStas simulations based on OpenGL. Contributed by Ross Piltz. See mc3d.txt and the email (non-functioning at the moment) from Ross announcing the GUI for more information.
    • Updates of some of the files have been provided. They also include a description for compiling McStas in Windows. See the accompanying email from Ross. (Feb. 28, 2001)

McStas instruments

  • Instrument files demonstrating the use of Source_Optimizer.comp and Monitor_Optimizer.comp. Contributed by Emmanuel Farhi.

Unofficial McStas components (Old and will be removed)

Note that many of the links below are dead links...

Components that for some reason have not been included in the list generated by McDoc.

  • Source_flux.comp: A variant of the official Source_flat component. Models a reactor source with a flat energy distribution and a given neutron flux. This is useful for simulations where the absolute value of neutron flux, detector counts, etc. is needed for comparison with real instruments and experiments.
  • Guide2.comp: A variant of the official Guide component that allows different m values for vertical and horizontal guide mirrors. It also allows to specify completely completely absorbing walls by setting the m values to zero.
  • Monitor_flux.comp: A detector/monitor component that measures the average flux of the beam in a given area and wavelength range. There are also two small examples of its use with the Source_flux.comp component.
  • Bender.comp: A curved neutron guide, or bender. Contributed by Philipp Bernhardt <>. Some information on this component is also available.
  • Curve_Fe.comp: A Fermi chopper. Contributed by Andrew Garrett <>. See also Andrew's posting on the neutron-mc mailing list.
  • Mon_2foc.comp: A double-bent monochromator. Contributed by Peter Link <>. Here is Peter's e-mail announcing the component. Update Sept. 28, 1999: The component has been updated by Peter Link to fix a bug.
  • Selector.comp: An alternative velocity selector component. This component uses a Monte Carlo choice to determine the phase angle when the neutron enters the selector and thus avoids the analytical approximation used in the velocity selector component supplied in the official McStas component library. Contributed by Peter Link <>. Here is Peter's e-mail announcing the component.
  • Soller_trans.comp: A version of the Soller collimator component that takes an extra "transmission" parameter. The neutron weight of transmitted neutrons is multiplied with this parameter to model the non-perfect transmission of a real soller collimater, useful for modeling absolute fluxes. Contributed by Georg Artus <Georg_Artus@Physik.TU-Muenchen.DE>.
  • kw_monitor.comp: An event monitor that records the wave vector and energy of every neutron detected, contributed by Emmanuel Farhi<>. This component can be used to get the momentum and energy transfer in a sample, by placing kw_monitors before and after the sample component; this might be used to study the instrument resolution. Emmanuel Farhi also provided a Matlab function for visualizing the results, and some example data.
  • Flux_adapter.comp: A component that may be placed after the source component in an instrument to change the wavelength distribution of the source according to a user-specified input file. Contributed by Emmanuel Farhi<>. Emmanuel provided a short description of the component as well as a number of files for a complete IN14 simulation using the flux adapter as well as Emmanuel's source optimizer component.
  • Divenergymon.comp: A 2D monitor component that detects the beam intensity as a function of both energy and divergence. Contributed by Pay Schulze Horn <>.
  • Instruments
  • mc3d - visualization GUI replacement

  • Last Modified: Wednesday, 12-Jan-2022 15:52:02 CET
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