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[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ] The
Instrument to study tomographic imaging by means of the feature of OFF shape samples.
Name | Unit | Description | Default |
geometry | string | Name of the OFF file describing the sample shape | "socket.off" |
omega | deg | Sample rotation around y | 0 |
sigma_abs | barn | Sample absorption xs | 100 |
frac_scatt | 1 | Fraction of neutrons to scatter in the sample | 0 |
div_v | deg | Source vertical divergence (angular height) | 1e-4 |
div_h | deg | Source horisontal divergence (angular width) | 1e-4 |
source_w | m | Source width | 0.4 |
source_h | m | Source height | 0.2 |
det_w | m | Detector width | 0.4 |
det_h | m | Detector height | 0.2 |
opts | string | Monitor_nD options string | "x bins=80 y bins=40" |
[ Identification | Description | Input parameters | Links ]
Generated on 2023-09-19 20:01:36